numbers & synchronicities

Lizzie Klingsporn
3 min readOct 26, 2020

i couldn’t think of an introduction for what i’m trying to explain, so i guess i’ll just get right into it.

for at least the past week, i’ve been noticing angel numbers everywhere, my tik tok fyp is filled with tarot card readings and “this is a sign” videos, and if that’s not enough, i’ve also had some pretty strange coincidences.

if the concept of angel numbers is unfamiliar to you, they’re most commonly recognized as repeating number sequences that carry another meaning with them. it’s like our angels are guiding and reassuring our path of life — it’s a form of communication.

whether it’s the time on the clock or the numbers on my treadmill, i seem to be catching double, triple, and even quadruple numbers.




it’s a comforting feeling, but they’re everywhere. what could it mean? what’s happening to me? to my life? i still don’t have the answers, but i’ll just have to see where all of this takes me…

as for tik tok, i’m starting to get quite annoyed with my fyp. i constantly see tarot card readings about love, relationships, and people from the past coming back, videos telling me “this is a sign” and “they’re the one,” and more about zodiac signs or initials and what they want to tell me. i can’t escape it at this point, but once again i don’t have any answers. only time will tell.

to top it off, here’s a list of synchronicities or “meaningful coincidences” that i’ve encountered over the past month:

  • i decided to take a 7am cycling class one morning, and the last song that the instructor played for us was very meaningful and symbolic to a relationship that had recently ended
  • i remembered that i had to mail out my brother’s early voting ballot…the moment i stepped outside to put it in the mailbox, the mailman drove up to my house at the same time
  • i was at the gym when i looked down at my phone to see a snapchat notification from my friend. i look up just to see her family’s company ad on the tv screen in front of me…
  • i’ve been thinking about watching coraline for a few days now. then when i was listening to one of my favorite podcasts, she started talking about that. same. movie.
  • finally, i randomly decided to go to alex cooper’s instagram account and look at who she was following. i specifically noticed and remembered harry jowsey’s account. sure enough, the next day she posted about having him on her podcast

and of course now i just checked the clock — 8:11

sometimes it’s hard to truly explain the feeling of these synchronicities, but i can tell they’re more than just silly happenings. sometimes it makes me feel crazy because what if i am just overthinking and exaggerating about this? yet my intuition tells me it’s something more. either way, i’m very interested to hear about anyone else’s experiences with anything related to what i just shared, so feel free to talk to me about it…

maybe i’ll have to write an update when the time comes.

“you can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending”

